Ants are insects that come from a family eusosial Formisidae, and ants are included in the order Himenoptera along with bees and wasps. Ants are divided into more than 12,000 groups, with a large number of comparisons in the tropics. Ant colonies of and known for its regular nests, which sometimes consist of thousands of ants per colonies of. Ants are divided into worker ants, ant males, and the queen ant. One colonies of can master and use a wide area to support their activities. Superorganisme ant colonies are sometimes called because of their colonies to form a unity.

Ants have mastered almost all the land on Earth. Only in some places, such as Iceland, Greenland and Hawaii, they do not master the proficiency level. [1] [2] As their numbers grow, they can form approximately 15-20% of the total biomass of the animals. [3]

Termites, sometimes called white ants, do not have a close relationship with ants, even though they have the same social structure. Velvet ants, although resembling large ants, but they are not winged female wasps.

Ant is the strongest animal on earth. Although a small body, he was able to sustain the body with a load of 50 times his weight. If the complaint with a very large animal like an elephant or a gorilla, the only thing capable of supporting up to 3 times the weight of his body.

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